致蒂升电梯新任CEO总裁Uday Yadav先生的公开信(中英文)

2022-05-25 18:52:39  来源:法治在线.中国



      2022年5月份,蒂升电梯业绩已经远远落后于一线品牌三菱和通力,蒂升在此内外交困之际,及时更换了新总裁Uday Yadav,此举让已经失去信心的中国区员工,似乎又看到了点些许希望,倘若这位新任总裁能拨乱反正,从此改变蒂升中国区的命运,也算是中国区员工的福音,为了这美好的愿景能够实现,蒂升所有新老员工在此表达内心真实想法,诉说对现状有所改变的期待,故此对中国区负责人徐红艳、销售总监沈奕春、北区经理李晶煜等人的种种表现做了简单的总结,以及她们的行为给中国区造成的影响,凡此种种,皆通过此公开信的方式,向蒂升新任总裁Uday Yadav先生客观描述如下:















     此公开信描述的内容,如能引起蒂升新任总裁Uday Yadav的重视,及时做出组织架构调整,及时清理掉李晶煜和沈奕春这类害群之马,或许蒂升还有可能从泥泞的路上慢慢的走出来,如果还是和以前一样,本文继续遭受到删稿和打压,那蒂升也只能继续默默地哀嚎下去,必将一步步的走向衰败,曾经的钢铁巨兽,在品牌出售之后也难逃衰亡的厄运,所有人都见证了徐红艳和李晶煜败家的过程,在蒂升走向衰败的路上,是由少数人的独断专行和多数人的沉默所导致的,没有谁是无辜的。


    An open letter to Uday Yadav, the new CEO of TK Elevator


   In May 2022, the performance of TK Elevator was already far behind the first-tier brands Mitsubishi and Kone, and at this time of internal and external difficulties, TK replaced the new CEO Uday Yadav in time, which made the employees in China, who had lost their confidence, seem to see some sort of hope again. If the new CEO can set things right and change the fate of TK China region, it can be regarded as a good news for employees. In order to realize this beautiful vision, all the new and old employees of TK are here to express their true thoughts and tell their expectations for changes in the status quo. So I have made a brief summary of the performances of Xu Hongyan, the head of China region, Shen Yichun, sales director, and Li Jingyu, manager of the northern region, and the impacts of their behavior on China region, all of which are described in this open letter to the new president of TK ELevator, Mr. Uday Yadav objectively the following:

    Problem1:Since Xu took office in January 2019, she has been ganging up with Li and Shen, establishing alliances of interest and excluding dissidents, and laying off employees on a large scale in violation of the law throughout the country, and old employees who once made important contributions to TK have been forced to terminate their contracts, which has led huge amounts of compensation for this, and at the same time, due to a large number of staff dimission, the vitality of the company has greatly damaged, people fell apart, and the work was massively inefficient, this failed move of Xu led to the continuous decline of TK Elevator's performance.

    Problem 2: During Xu’s term of office, her mismanagement led to frequent safety accidents and employee fatalities. For example, a 22-year-old maintenance employee lost his precious life in the 25th of July of accident in Tianjin, which was directly caused by Li's selection of the employee, Bianchui, who has no working ability in Li’s enrichment chain. Xu covered up Li's negligence in the accident, there was no punishment for Li, no reflection afterwards, no rectification, and concealment of the truth of the accident, which led to frequent safety accidents, such as a death in Foshan, a fall in Hangzhou, a death of a maintenance employee in Tianjin, and a fall of two people in Guilin. Such a high number of fatal accidents during Xu's tenure almost broke the Guinness record of the industry, and the unprecedented management chaos led to an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

    Problem 3: Since Xu took office, she has fabricated false data to deceive investors, spent high PR fees to create a false aura in various media, spent a lot of money on bragging about herself on various networks on the one hand, and removed negative news for herself through a law firm and paid high fees for deletion on the other. Xu and Li never solved the practical problems but specialized in solving the people who raised the problems, Xu’s behaviors not only caused the company to suffer financial losses, but also did not help the situation and deceived herself, causing the company to fall into an impractical crisis.

    Problem 4: Xu, Li, and Shen formed a three-person gang to engage in gang struggles, crowd out and suppress dissidents, establish their own factions and gangs, and engage in power monopoly. For example, in order to let Ji Yunpeng monopolize the southern market, Xu dismissed the predecessor Yang Junqian of South Zone and was taken over by Ji who had no ability to work. As a result, the South Zone fell into chaos, a large number of customers lost, and agents a complained and turned to competitors. Xu not only violated the company's compliance, but caused a serious decline in the performance of the company. So far, the South District is still a pool of stagnant water. The internal staff reflected the above series of problems through a platform for many times, and they are finally shielded by Xu.

    Problem 5: The three people formed an alliance of interests, in which Xu and Shen were responsible for approving extremely low prices, and Li was responsible for cashing out in the branch, fabricating false agents and taking huge profits. For example, Zhang Ting, Shenyang branch manager, is a clear example, during Zhang’s tenure, he repeatedly took advantage of this extremely low price discounts to obtain a large amount of cash through Shenyang Honglin Elevator Company, and then divided it up by Li, Shen and others. Such things happened frequently during Xu’s tenure, resulting in serious loss of profits for the company.

    Problem 6: During Xu's tenure, there caused an existential crisis of employees, Xu violated the national labor law, illegally fired female employees during breastfeeding, employees who were treated for illness, and old employees who were about to retire, and frequently appeared in the country not to implement the results of court decisions on illegal issues, refusing to fulfill the results of labor arbitration, refusing to pay court-ordered compensation, etc. Xu used the Legal Department as a tool for personal power, and completely disobeyed the company’s compliance procedures, which caused a huge reaction in the industry and led to the loss of TK's reputation established over the years in the country, and became notorious.

    Problem 7: Xu covered up Li's false agents in the Beijing Metro Airport project. Li came up with any pretext, privately engraved official seals, changed drawings without permission, forged false documents, and obtained huge agency fees for her own. She has been using this tactic for a long time to collect money for herself. However, Xu did not care about the reporting materials for Li and connived to cover up for herself. In addition, Xu also instructed the Legal Department to delete the reporting materials for Li, which acted as an accomplice to the tiger.

    Problem 8: During Xu’s tenure, she colluded with Zhang Bin of the Legal Department to start a lawsuit, not only against customers, agents, and internal employees of TK, but also to pay high litigation fees, which were much higher than the market price, and the huge price difference was taken by Zhang. This dereliction of duty by Xu has led the Legal Department intensified, focusing only on making money from it, not complying with national laws and regulations, which seriously infringed on TK's interests and damaged its social image.

   Problem 9: Xu and Li's group have been using installation subcontracting for a long time to enrich themselves, with Chen Fukai in Beijing playing an important role. Chen has been faking the volume of work and raising the price of installation subcontracting on various large projects such as high-speed elevators, subways and airports, and then taking huge profits and sharing them with Li and others. Since Xu took office, she colluded with Li's gang and not only gave the green light to Li's actions, but also used the public relations department to delete the manuscripts for Li, and all the reporting materials sent by employees to Xu were received no response.

    Problem 10: In order to establish their own alliance of interests, Xu and Shen dismissed Zhou Jianrong and Zhang Ping, which destroyed the previous years of accumulated sales team, and attracted a large number of direct line of people who did not understand the market management or market operation. In headquarters of TK China, the power center formed by Xu and Shen, where fractional struggle prevailed, and those with strong working ability were eliminated by the two of them, which further led to a serious decline in sales performance and efficiency, and fell far behind the first-line brands Mitsubishi and Kone. Xu's behavior is to drive backwards. She colluded with Li's gang and violated the company's rules and regulations at every turn, leading to chaos in TK's management and a decline in performance, which led to a deep quagmire from which she could not extricate herself.

    Problem 11: Due to many problems in Xu's management, the profit index continued to decline, and in order to maintain the false prosperity on the books, she instructed Li to refuse to pay the agents' agency fees and quality deposits, which caused the dealers' insufficient funds and operational difficulties, among which the Harbin branch refused to return the agents' deposits for as long as one year. The behavior of the two of them has a very bad impact on the majority of dealers and violates the contract between Party A and Party B, lacks integrity and has no contractual spirit. It will not only cause legal risks of litigation, but destroy the cooperation between other dealers and TK in a destructive way , which further intensifies the rapid reduction of market orders.

    Problem 12: After Xu took office, she, together with Li and Shen, planned a 135-money plan and a 421-action plan to focus on the North and South dealers to implement shearing operations, the purpose is to send the old dealers away, and then send their own direct people to take over the project's profit margin, and then focus on dividing the money. Forced by Li, many dealers have successively withdrawn from selling TK products and turned to other first-line brands, turning them into competitors. The destruction of TK dealers by the two of them has led to the loss of a large number of potential customers and bad market response, which resulted in the continuous decline of TK Elevator orders. The destruction of access to orders by the two of them and others was unprecedented.

    Problem 13: Xu instructed Li to bribe government officials in the investigation and handling of the 25th of July of fatal accident in Tianjin, to deliberately change the nature of the accident and to conceal the cause of the accident. It was clearly a fatal accident caused by elevator special equipment, but Li, under the instruction of Xu, induced government officials to change the nature of the case into a general safety accident through bribery and other illegal means, so as to evade the government's punitive measures. Li signed various agreements with the family of the deceased to cover up the truth in the process of accident handling, and the behaviors of Xu and Li have seriously violated TK's compliance and national laws, far beyond the basic human bottom line, and greatly damaged the company's public image.

   Question 14: After taking office, Xu has made no contribution to TK Elevator, all orders without exception are the previous follow-up projects, but the contract was signed after she took office, which does not show that it is her credit. Because of the particularity of the elevator, the contract can not be signed immediately after quotation. It often goes through the stages of design, planning, bidding and so on, this time span is often a year or even a few years. What is puzzling is that after Xu took office, although these orders have almost nothing to do with her, she propagandized that they are all her credit and wantonly publicized her achievements under her own name. This is a blatant falsehood and fool all employees, Xu did not improve any performance, it can be said that she has made no achievements and unlearned, what’s more, she is jealous of talents and narrow-minded. All day is to study how to cheat investors, how to boast in the media, Xu, Li and Shen jointly form a coalition of interests, depleting the long-accumulated resources of TK Elevator.

   If the content described in this open letter can attract the attention of Uday Yadav, the new president of TK, to make organizational adjustments in time and clean up such black sheep as Li and Shen, TK may come out from the muddy road. If this article continues to be deleted and suppressed as before, then TK can only continue to silently wail, and will decline step by step. The steel giant that was once sold by the brand will not escape its demise. Everyone has witnessed the process of Xu and Li's defeat. On the way to the decline of TK, it is caused by the arbitrariness of a few and the silence of the majority. No one is innocent.



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